Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Proud of the Vatican

I hear an interesting story on the BBC news on NPR today. Apparently the Vatican has "vetoed" three names informally proposed by the Obama administration as ambassadors to the Vatican City because of their pro-choice stance. I find this truly heartening - a religious organization standing up for their values in the face of enormous pressure.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be some "Obama-basher", but I do think that if we are really to live Biblical lives, there are some lines we must draw. Notice that this was not a personal issue, and that the Vatican didn't try to shroud this in political spin, as so many would do. Instead, they shot straight: These candidates are inappropriate because of their beliefs on abortion. Period.

Now if someone happens to read this who disagrees with the Catholic Church and I on the abortion issue, let me make one thing clear: I don't think you have to agree with me on this issue to think this is an encouraging development. If you happen to disagree, chalk it up to a win for religion resisting the presssure to conform to the societal norms placed upon it.


1 comment:

  1. New Blog! New Blog! New Blog! (chant continues indefinitely until a new blog is posted!)
